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In recent years, hypnosis shows in Cannes and elsewhere in the world have become very popular. They fascinate as much as they intrigue, arousing in some spectators a certain mistrust of this practice which seems to quickly affect the subconscious of the volunteers selected to take to the stage. So, is hypnosis on stage a myth or a reality? In this article, we’ll try to get to the bottom of this fascinating phenomenon.

The origins of hypnosis

All in all...

Before looking at hypnosis on stage, we need to look at the history and foundations of this discipline. Hypnosis could be considered a method of guiding (sometimes called “manipulating”) consciousness to achieve a state of deep relaxation and maximum receptivity to the hypnotist’s suggestions. Its origins can be traced back to ancient Egyptian and Greek civilizations, where similar techniques were used for medical and therapeutic purposes. Today, hypnosis is more closely associated with modern medicine and psychology, where it is used as a treatment to alleviate conditions such as anxiety, depression, pain and sleep disorders.

Hypnosis shows: entertainment in their own right

The limits of performance hypnosis

Beyond its therapeutic use, hypnosis has also found its place in the entertainment world. Under the spotlight, it becomes an inexhaustible source of entertainment, promising audiences memorable and sometimes hilarious moments. Hypnotists play on surprise effects and the unpredictability of volunteers’ reactions to create a captivating show. But what about ?

Show hypnosis: between reality and staging

It’s important to note that hypnosis practiced on stage differs from that used in therapy. There are several elements involved in a successful hypnosis show:

  • The choice of volunteers: when a person takes the stage, he or she is often already prepared to be hypnotized, knowing full well what to expect. This active collaboration between subject and hypnotist promotes suggestibility.
  • Social pressure: since they are being observed by an audience, volunteers may be influenced by the desire not to disappoint the expectations of the audience or the hypnotist. They therefore lend themselves more easily to suggestions under this “group effect”.
  • Comic situations: like all forms of entertainment, show hypnosis aims to elicit laughter and amazement. The hypnotist not only explores the natural capacities of the human mind, but also plays on comic situations (chicken, deep sleep, etc.) to entertain the audience.

Should you believe in hypnosis on stage?

Even if some of the effects observed at shows are real and linked to a state of hypnotic trance, it’s important to keep a critical eye on this practice. Indeed, a certain amount of staging is necessary to ensure the show’s success with the public. What’s more, as each individual is different, some people are more sensitive to hypnosis than others. Many people resist the hypnotist’s suggestions or need more personalized guidance to enter trance.

The limits of performance hypnosis

Although hypnosis can be a distracting form of entertainment, it also has limitations that should not be overlooked:

  • Respect for the individual: some critics claim that performance hypnosis can undermine the dignity of participants, by putting them in embarrassing or degrading situations under the pretext of entertaining the audience.
  • Understanding hypnosis: spectacular staging can create stereotypes and distort the real perception of hypnosis. This could give people a truncated view of the practice, seeing it as nothing more than a magic trick or supernatural power.
  • Possible abuses: while there are some serious professionals in this field, others may be less scrupulous and seek to manipulate their audience for profit or personal gain.

All in all…

Hypnosis on stage is a fascinating form of entertainment that raises as many questions as it fascinates. While it’s important to remember that certain aspects of the show are based on real mechanisms of the human mind, it’s also important not to overlook the elements of staging and exaggeration that characterize these performances. So, to enjoy this unique experience to the full, it’s advisable to keep a critical mind, while letting yourself be carried away by the artists’ performances and the mystery that surrounds this intriguing discipline.